How to Join | Membership | HPBA


HPBA and its Affiliates are the leading advocates for members, which produce, sell, or service appliances and accessories in the hearth and barbecue industries. We actively promote the value of members' products, lead efforts to collect and understand industry data, and provide education and certification opportunities through the National Fireplace Institute. HPBA's HPBExpo is North America's largest annual indoor/outdoor showcase.

PLEASE NOTEA surcharge is displayed under the Totals section at the bottom of this page. Once you click "PAY NOW," you can pay with a credit card or select "BILL ME" to generate an invoice that will not include the 2.4% surcharge. The payment will include the 2.4% surcharge if you pay via credit card.

For a detailed guide on how to renew your membership, please review the Membership Renewal Guide.


A Manufacturer member is a sole proprietorship, partnership, association or corporation who manufactures, assembles, markets or imports hearth, patio & barbecue products. 

Manufacturers join HPBA directly and are encouraged to delegate an employee to represent them in each Affiliate. 

Manufacturer Benefits

Retailers, Distributors, Reps, Service

Join one of Twelve Affiliates based on your location and receive reciprocal membership in HPBA.

Benefits | Find Your Affiliate