March 21, 2019
Statement from HPBA about Vesta Awards
The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) takes exception to recently published comments that question the qualifications of two of the winners at the 2019 Vesta Awards.
The Vesta Awards program, which is owned and administrated by Hearth and Home Magazine, recognizes and celebrates innovation in the hearth and outdoor living industry. HPBA’s annual Expo (HPBExpo) provides the perfect opportunity to see all of these new products and to host the Vesta Awards ceremony.
We are always excited to hear who the winners are at the ceremony and are confident in the judging process. This year, the innovation of two of the winning products raised questions and we would like to respond to that.
The Jøtul F500 V3 is a catalytic stove that does not use a by-pass mechanism, the realization of a technological achievement that has long been strived for by the industry. The HY-C Fire Chief is certified to NSPS Step 2 emissions standards and has the benefit of a thermostatically-controlled draft blower that eliminates adjustments to burn rates, providing whole-home circulation by utilizing one of the industry’s strongest blowers.
Both of these products are clearly innovative and will be for sale in 2020, two of the rules for eligibility. We appreciate the support from all of HPBExpo exhibitors and attendees and we encourage everyone to come to HPBExpo 2020 in New Orleans to see the new and exciting products.
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